What was the problem? In fact what where the problems?
As soon as I started storing the information I found worth to be reminded I
encountered a few, quite traditional, problems:
A lot of different databases hanging around
Different people having different opinions and as a non-specialist I
wondered what the best one was
Using different languages was not easy (though possible)
So I decided to do something about it.
Some necessary conditions where and are:
One system for everything but not everything necessarily at the same
place (distributed data)
Contradictory information must be able to exist together
Easily expandable
With the same capability handle as well rough as detailed
Be as close as possible to the human way of working and thinking
International (multi-language)
And this happened
In 1988 I started to deep thoughts about a knowledge management system,
capable of storing everything about everything. This took me two years
(before and after my normal working hours).
1990: started building
1991: Notion System was born and up and running.
Since: only minor evolutions, and adding functionality by adding
extensions to it. And of course a lot of knowledge stored saved.