For relations and notions the system keeps some metadata, and among these there is a 4 dimensional space in which the notion or the relation is 'valid'. This is what we call the GeographicTime (GeoTime) space of knowledge.
In fact the geographic part is not yet used because we still have to make a small technical choice.
Other parts of the meta-data are e.g. owner, status with regard to redistribution (private, public, etc.), qualifier with regard to how sure the information is, and others.
These meta-data allow human users or software agents to manage the knowledge in the system. So keeping the available knowledge accurate (only) means changing its meta-data.
As Notion System tends to grow, the less likely it will be that humans will have the time to manage the knowledge. Naturally this becomes a task of the computer. We think that the most appropriate forms of programs executing these tasks are (mobile) agents.
Good examples are agents that will connect themselves to the external world regularly to see whether "web-page notions" are still available or have changed.
If they disappeared then the GeoTime context of the notion and of the relations for that notion should change.
If they changed then the "Contents agent" should go at work on that page to see whether he can extract other or changed useful information from it.